Information about Jan. 11th Prep Week

In accordance with Gov. Whitmer’s request, MSU will be making some modifications to the beginning of the Spring 2021 schedule. We will kick off the semester on January 11 with a Prep Week and class sessions will begin starting January 19. 

During the prep week, we encourage you to communicate with your students, provide the course syllabus, and encourage them to obtain course materials and familiarize themselves with the course topics. 

Additional ideas may be to:

  • Conduct a course needs survey to understand who the students are in the course this semester
  • Provide a list of questions or thought prompts linked to course objectives for students to consider during the week 
  • Encourage students to familiarize themselves with the course layout in D2L
  • Suggest a reading or two that introduces students to course topics
  • Ask students to consider the course objectives in relation to their own learning and/or professional goals

As a reminder, you should not hold any synchronous sessions (online or on-campus) or assign any work that is due during the week of the 11th. Please ensure you are clearly communicating with students your expectations for the beginning of class meetings on or after January 19 so they are prepared to engage with the class that week. 

If you need assistance with your course, wish to schedule a consultation, or have other needs with course preparation please consider attending the upcoming Educational Technology Office Hours we have scheduled, or contact the CAL Educational Technology Office